First Aid Skills Everyone Should Know and How Assisted Living Can Help
Emergencies can quickly turn into tragedies if they are not adequately addressed. This means that first aid skills are essential for caregivers. The crucial skills described below can ensure that caregivers provide swift and effective responses that can make all the difference in maintaining the health and well-being of aging adults.
Assisted Living provides “peace of mind” as residents get immediate attention should any of the issues below occur.
Contrary to common belief, falls are not a regular part of the aging process. Nonetheless, one in every four adults experiences falls, in many cases suffering disabling severe injuries as a result. Regular exercise and proper medication dramatically minimize the risk of falls. If an older adult does fall – resist the instinct to help him or her up right away. Instead, determine whether the person is injured. Call for assistance if the person seems dazed or is unconscious, or otherwise appears to be seriously hurt.
In Assisted Living at Camino, if a resident falls, we diagnose to make sure there are no broken bones and, if not, get the resident to his feet. If it’s an emergency and the resident is in pain, we get medical attention and call the fire department. If a senior is at home, how long will it take to get assistance?

Choking emergencies are common among aging adults. Caregivers should be trained in performing the Heimlich maneuver correctly to minimize the risk of damage in attempting to assist a choking victim. Perform the Heimlich maneuver immediately if a person is unable to speak, turning blue or grabbing his or her throat, and then call for emergency assistance.
Cuts and Tears
Aging skin loses the ability to produce collagen. As a result, skin becomes more delicate and prone to cuts and bruises. Left untreated, these minor injuries can develop into major medical concerns. Proper first aid can ensure that cuts and scrapes heal quickly, while helping to minimize the risk of infection. Call emergency services or get the victim to a doctor right away to treat more serious injuries or in cases of significant bleeding.

Camino does night checks to provide peace of mind to family members that their loved ones are checked in on. Assisted Living communities have an emergency pull cord or a call button worn around the resident’s neck to push or pull in an emergency.
Assisted Living provides the benefit that caregivers are available, with eyes and ears, 24/7 should an emergency arise.
“If your loved one is at Camino, you may still want to take advantage of classes. ”
To learn more about how to deal with medical emergencies, check out first aid classes and workshops offered in your area. The Red Cross and other organizations frequently offer training for free or for a very low cost. To learn more about senior health and wellness, check out our website – or give us a call today!
Contact Us to Find Out More
We can talk about how your family can stay in touch while getting your loved ones the care or help they need.