Getting Started for Senior Health
Regular physical activity is vital to maintaining good health and wellbeing. However, there are some instances where exercise is not recommended. Discuss the following questionnaire with your health care professional to determine whether you are ready to engage in an exercise program. If you’re not prepared, your doctor can help develop a plan to address whatever impediments may be standing in your way.

- Have you been diagnosed with a heart condition that has resulted in your physician recommending that you restrict your level of physical activity?
- Do you experience chest pain from physical exertion?
- Have you experienced chest pain during the past month even when you are not exercising or engaging in physical exertion?
- Do you frequently experience dizziness or loss of balance?
- Have you lost consciousness as a result of dizziness or other cause in the last month?
- Do you have joint problems that could be aggravated by physical activity?
- Are you taking prescription drugs for high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease?
- Are you aware of any other factors that limit your ability to engage in physical activity?

If you can honestly answer “no” to the above questions, it is likely OK for you to begin at least a moderate exercise program. However, you should still consult with your physician or health care provider before becoming more active, especially if you are presently sedentary.

On the other hand, even if you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions listed above, it does not automatically rule out the possibility of beginning an exercise routine.
Your doctor may be able to recommend a modified exercise routine, or a less strenuous form of exercise, such as Tai Chi, that will allow you to become more active without risking your health.
Learn more about how to safely engage in exercise.
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